Port Clinton, PA -- 971.1 Miles from Katahdin
Blake's Dad Reporting ( on a request from Blake) here on Saturday a.m.: Joe's Hole Posse and the New Jersey Boys were in Port Clinton, PA late yesterday and planning to overnight there. They hiked in moderate rain most of the day (Friday), but it was certainly nothing like the wet weather experienced early on in their adventure. Noting the mileage from Mt. Katahdin, they should hit the 1000 mile mark on Sunday. Blake reports that the hiking in PA "has been a pleasant surprise. Also, elevations are fairly easy to attain and once on top, the walking is less taxing than other places. Much of the land is game preserves, vast tracts of flat to gentle trails, even some 4-wheel off-road trails and the like." The overnight in Port Clinton was at a church run shelter. Blake was out of food and the nearest "outfitter" (food store) was closed. However, a large cooler in the shelter saved the night (and today) for him. Someone had left a trail magic gift of milk, soda, donuts, bread, peanut butter, jelly, and assorted goodies at the shelter. PARENT'S COMMENT: The incredible generosity of everyday people towards my son and the others is TRAIL MAGIC of the highest order. I am constantly amazed by what others have done and continue to do for the AT hikers. A heartfelt thanks to all of them.
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