Joes Hole Posse bites the big apple
Welcome to New Jersey! We've been fighting the heat for the last 5 days and we made quick work of New York. New York was suprisingly beautiful. It featured some amazing views and crossing the Hudson river was fantastic.
In Bear Mtn, New York the AT goes right through the middle of a real zoo. It was hard to tell if we were part of the exhibit or not! We certainly smell and eat like animals.
Tonight we're staying at a church hostel in Vernon, NJ. They offer TV, Internet, a grill, shower, and tons of other great things for hikers, no cost. You have to pick a chore out of the 'chore box.' I'll be mopping the kitchen floor after I get myself a shower.
Hope everyone is doing good back home, and thanks to everyone for signing our guestbook. We love to read the new entries. Go sox! Go pats! Ty Law to the jets? :(
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