Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A bittersweet end to an amazing journey

I have no idea how to begin this post, but I'll try...

In short, our goal has been reached. We have successfully hiked from Maine to Georgia along the Appalachian Trail!

It has been an AMAZING journey. Our experience was far beyond any of our expectations. We have seen and done incredible things and we've made lifelong friends with whom we share a powerful bond.

Every day was a challenge, both physical and mental. We hiked through all possible conditions; extreme heat, rain, lightning, snow and the mud. We stared down the green tunnel and fought off the mental monotony of the trail. Somehow, someway we kept each other going for 5 months and 5 days.

I know that this trail has had a tremendous impact on me. I've learned some of life's most simple but important lessons out here. I am proud and happy to have accomplished our goal, but I am sad to leave the wonderful world of thru hiking.

But for now, I will live in a more comfortable and blister free world.

So many people helped Mike and I along the way and we will be posting a huge thank you message to all those folks in the next couple days. I will try to write more about our post hike plans as well. Thanks for following our trip!

"The soul of a journey is liberty, perfect liberty, to think, feel, do just as one pleases" William Hazlitt

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." Anatole France


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