about to go out
Maine 2 Georgia on the AT
Attempting to hike all 2200 miles of the Appalachain Trail in five months!
Monday, December 27, 2004
Sunday, December 26, 2004
A gear-tastic Christmas
I was real excited after getting a whole bunch of gear for the trip on Chirstmas morning. I got my sleeping bag, bag liner, trail shoes, a sweet winter hat, and a nike mp3 player (the big ticket item). Now I'm just waiting on my pack, that is on back order. I was equally excited to finally be a part of "the northen journey" journal page, as Blake finally held my hand thru the sign up process. Gosh, I love this site.
Getting excited
I know it's only Decemember, but I'm getting more and more excited. I got a hennessy hammock
It's an ultralite shelter system. It will replace my tent for the first 3 months of the hike. The website is coming along, a lot of the time it feels like one step forward, two steps back. Few more days to work on it before heading back to school.