Saturday, June 18, 2005

Stratton can you hear me?!?

So happy to be dry! Its been raining since this past Tuesday and we have been wet and cold over the past 36 miles from Caratunk to Stratton, over which time I had to use my "happy moment" on occation. We took a hiked the Bigelow Mountain range in one 17 mile stretch, and for our hard work we recieved no views due to the clouds and rain. On our way into town today we covered 5.3 miles in 1 hour and 50 mintues (a blazing speed while hiking)We were given a warm welcome by this small Maine town, first the post office (which as Blake already mentioned) had packages full of yummy treats and fuel for our stoves (Hurray we can eat warm meals!), then we got a super huge breakfast for under 8 bucks, then a wicked sweet room at this hiker hostel that has free phone and internet. From here we head over to Rangeley, then Andover, then New Hampshire!

Happy Trails!

....and miles to go before I sleep.

-Don "The" King


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